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Животные и растения — субъекты права по законодательству Российской Федерации: констатация абсурда или научное открытие?

О некоторых тенденциях в современном российском законотворчестве

Проблемы правового регулирования отношений по содержанию, использованию и охране животных, не относящихся к объектам животного мира

Проблемы правотворчества и соблазн сомнительной легитимизации: когда охота пуще неволи

Практика осуществления финансового контроля за деятельностью государственных корпораций: проблемы и перспективы

О налоговых аспектах проблемы импортозамещения в реалиях действующего законодательства

Экономический анализ позиций Конституционного Суда РФ относительно защиты права собственности

Спорные вопросы применения сроков давности привлечения к ответственности за налоговые правонарушения

О проблемах, связанных с возбуждением уголовных дел о налоговых преступлениях

«Дело Нейштадт в России закончено, но его уроки требуют осмысления и тщательного анализа»

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Электронная версия журнала «Адвокат»

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Свежий номер

Юридический журнал
№2 февраль 2017 г.


Адвокатура и общество

Чашин А.Н. Контрольные полномочия налоговых органов и адвокатская тайна

Теория и практика

Еременко В.И. Вопросы защиты деловой репутации юридических лиц

Лубягина Д.В. Влияние формы ценной бумаги на содержание гражданско-правового регулирования

Практика и опыт

Сюбарева И.Ф. Особенности применения патентной системы налогообложения на территории Калининградской области: правовой аспект


Петров А.Я. Права и обязанности работодателя в сфере охраны (безопасности и гигиены) труда

Дела судебные

Нечкин А.В., Стальнова М.А. Постановление о возбуждении уголовного дела как доказательство в арбитражном процессе: конституционно-правовой и процессуальный аспекты


Трофимов С.В. Нормативное регулирование ответственности грузоперевозчиков в гражданском и транспортном законодательстве

Интеллектуальная собственность

Попович А.А. Особенности гражданско-правовой ответственности за нарушение авторских прав

Территория прав человека

Курова Н.Н. Обзор российского законодательства по вопросам дискриминации в сфере труда и занятости инвалидов

Философия права

Румянцев М.Б. Особенности судебного правотворчества в Российской Федерации

За рубежом

Тутаев Д.В. Условия действительности договоров с участием потребителей по английскому праву

Сравнительное правоведение

Вдовин С.А. Сравнительно-правовой анализ обеспечения осужденному права на защиту в судах апелляционной инстанции России и Германии


Advocacy and society

A.N. Chashin The ratio of supervisory powers of the tax authorities and the attorney-client privilege

Theory and practice

V.I. Eremenko Issues of the protection of business reputation of legal Entities

D.V. Lubyagina Influence of the form of securities on the content of Civil Law regulation

Practice and experience

I.F. Syubareva Features of application of the patent taxation system within the territory of the Kaliningrad region: legal aspect


A.Ya. Petrov The rights and obligations of the employer in the sphere of protection (safety and health) labor

Court cases

A.V. Nechkin, M.A. Stalnova The decision of initiation of the criminal case as evidence in the arbitration proceedings (the constitutional-legal and procedural aspects)


S.V. Trofimov Regulation of liability cargo carriers based on standards of Civil and Transport legislation

Intellectual property

A.A. Popovich Features of civil liability for copyright infringement

Territory of human rights

N.N. Kurova Russian legislation review on the issues of discrimination in the area of labour and employment of invalids

Law Philosophy

M.B. Rumyantsev Peculiarities of Russian judicial legislation


J.V. Tutaev Conditions of reality of contracts with consumers in English Law

Comparative Law

S.A. Vdovin Comparative legal analysis ensuring to convict the right of defense in the appeals courts of Russian Federation and Germany

Annotations of articles and materials

A.N. Chashin. The ratio of supervisory powers of the tax authorities and the attorney-client privilege.

The article of Alexander N. Chashin, PhD in Law, Chairman of the «Dalnevostochnaya» Collegium of the Magadan Region Bar Chamber (e-mail: escr@mail.ru) discusses the validity of the claims of tax authorities to provide copies of the lawyers’ formations agreements and other primary documents, containing information about the trustee, in order to confirm the validity of the use of incentives for value-added tax.

Keywords: agreement; value added tax; confidentiality; competence.

V.I. Eremenko. Issues of the protection of business reputation of legal Entities.

In the article of Vladimir I. Eremenko, Doctor of Jurisprudence, Head of Legal Department of the Eurasian Patent Office (email: Eremenko@EAPO.ORG) the issues of the development of legislation and judicial practice in the field of the protection of business reputation of legal entities are studied, which evolved from the recognition of the compensation of non-pecuniary damage in favor of legal persons to a total ban of such compensation.

Keywords: legal entity; business reputation; non-pecuniary damage; reputational damage; compensation for damages.

D.V. Lubyagina. Influence of the form of securities on the content of Civil Law regulation.

The problem of the practicability of establishing a different legal regime in Civil Law for certificated and uncertificated securities is the subject of the article of Dina V. Lubyagina, Associate Prof., PhD. in Law, Associate Professor of Business Law and Corporate Law Department at the O. E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (e-mail: lubyagina.di@yandex.ru).

Keywords: securities; dematerialized securities; risk; incorporeal things; obligations.

I.F. Syubareva. Features of application of the patent taxation system within the territory of the Kaliningrad region: legal aspect.

The article of Irina F. Syubareva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, PhD. in Law, Chief Researcher of Federal Center for Educational Law (е-mail: siubif40863@rambler.ru) discusses features of legal regulation of the patent taxation system in the Kaliningrad region, analyzes the restrictions imposed by federal and regional legislation with regard to the application of such tax regime, conclusions are made about the fair approach of the legislator to improve the legal regulation of the patent taxation system in connection with the need to support small business under the complicated economic conditions.

Keywords: tax; taxation, legal regulation; а patent; special tax regime; patent taxation system.

A.Ya. Petrov. The rights and obligations of the employer in the sphere of protection (safety and health) labor.

Alexey Ya. Petrov, Doctor of Jurisprudence, Professor of the National research University «Higher school of Economics», (email: alexey.petrov@yandex.ru) analyzes the norms of international Labour Law, the Labour Code of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts and the court practice of consideration of the rights and obligations of the employer in the sphere of protection (safety and health) labor.

Keywords: conventions and recommendations; International labor organization; Labor Code of the Russian Federation; judicial practice on disputes in the sphere of protection (safety and health) labor; rights and responsibilities of employers.

A.V. Nechkin, M.A. Stalnova. The decision of initiation of the criminal case as evidence in the arbitration proceedings (the constitutional-legal and procedural aspects).

The article of Andrey V. Nechkin, PhD. in Law, lecturer of the Chair of Constitutional Law Department of the Urals State Law University (e-mail: super.nechkin@gmail.com) and Maria A. Stalnova, lawyer, member of the Sverdlovsk region Bar Chamber (e-mail: marie.plus@mail.ru) deals with the problematic issues of using the decision of initiation of the criminal case as evidence in the arbitration proceedings, which arose at authors practice. Contradictions in the judicial practice and gaps in the Russian legislation, entailing a violation of constitutional rights of citizens are revealed. Amendments to the existing legislation to improve the situation are proposed.

Keywords: criminal case; arbitration proceedings; the evidence; the right to judicial protection; equality before the law; the Constitution.

S.V. Trofimov. Regulation of liability cargo carriers based on standards of Civil and Transport legislation.

The article of Sergey V. Trofimov, PhD. in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of business and financial law Institute of the Baikal state University (Irkutsk) (e-mail: trofimovsv@bgu.ru) deals with some problematic issues of determining the legal basis redress in the implementation of the different freight transport modes. Attention is drawn to the complexity of the subject of legal regulation, the presence of a number of contradictions and imbalances in the current norms of civil and transport legislation.

Keywords: transport freight transportation; legal basis and limits of liability of the carrier; professional carriers; provisions of the Civil Code and the transport codes and charters; enforcement and legally significant circumstances.

A.A. Popovich. Features of civil liability for copyright infringement.

The article of Alexey A. Popovich, post-graduator of Chair of Civil Law and Procedure and International Private Law of Law Institute of Peoples’ friendship University of Russia (e-mail: pa@liclegal.ru) is focused on individual problems occurrence of civil liability for copyright infringement.

Keywords: copyrights; compensation; digital rights management; the responsibility for infringement of copyright; information and communication network; Intellectual Property Law; Civil Law.

N.N. Kurova. Russian legislation review on the issues of discrimination in the area of labour and employment of invalids.

The given study of Natalia N. Kurova, PhD. in Law, Associate Prof. of the Civil Law and Process Department at Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University (e-mail: kunani@mail.ru) provides the detailed selection of the actual Russian legislation, referring to the issues of discrimination in the area of labour and employment of invalids. The key international legal acts establishing basic principles of legal regulation of labour and employment of invalids as well as corresponding national legal acts have been analyzed in the present article. In the conclusion possible forms of discrimination appearances occurring in the labour and employment process of invalids differentiated between various fields of activities have been defined.

Keywords: discrimination; disability; employment; legislation review.

M.B. Rumyantsev. Peculiarities of Russian judicial legislation.

The article of Mikhail B. Rumyantsev, Ph.D. in Law, senior researcher of FGBNU VNIKHI of Academy of Science (e-mail: mikrumjancev@rambler.ru) is an attempt to support the opinion about the need of judicial legislation freestanding kind. The specific legal judicial essence which differs from that of other law-making kinds can be characterized through several traits. They include functional destination of judicial legislation, its regulating affinitive and legal item. Individual legal acts drawn during judicial legislation can integrate entire legal norm indicia. Judicial interpretation and judicial specification are the most important kinds of court’s law-making process.

Keywords: judicial legislation; law-making; Constitution; judicial interpretation; judicial specification.

J.V. Tutaev. Conditions of reality of contracts with consumers in English Law.

Jabrail V. Tutaev, post-graduator of Chair of Civil Law and Procedure and International Private Law of Law Institute of Peoples’ friendship University of Russia (e-mail: tutaev_dzh@mail.ru) examines the issues, related to the content of the contracts involving consumers, analyzes the content of the contract with the customer for compliance, not only with the provisions of statutory law, but also scientific and judicial doctrine.

Keywords: contract terms in English Contract Law; the implied conditions; express terms; a simple contract;, a contract for the word of honor; a written contract; consideration; the validity of the contract; contractual liability.

S.A. Vdovin. Comparative legal analysis ensuring to convict the right of defense in the appeals courts of Russian Federation and Germany.

The article of Sergey A. Vdovin, post-graduator of Chair of Criminal Procedural Law and Forensic Expertise of the Russian State University of Justice, assistant judge of the Moscow Regional Court (e-mail: vdovinsergey@mail.ru) presents a comparative analysis of the content and guarantees of the rights of the convicted person to the protection at the stage of appellate review of the sentence in the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany.

Keywords: the right of defense in criminal proceedings; appeal court; condemned; defender; German criminal proceedings; prohibition turn for the worse; withdraw of appeal.

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